Hello World
Did you ever consider how many fees airlines tack on over and above your base airfare? How about first and second checked bag fees, overweight fees, oversize fees, and carry-on fees? That’s just baggage!
Then you have telephone reservation fees, airport ticket purchase fees, ticket change fees, cancellation fees, seat reservation fees, WiFi fees and beverage fees.Â
And we’re just getting started.
There are pet fees, unaccompanied minor fees, and let’s not forget priority boarding fees. That may be one reason why the US Department of Transportation wants airlines to display these fees when they post their airfares, so consumers will have a better idea of what their flight could actually cost them.Â
For the moment, the airlines successfully sued the DOT to block that rule. And so, for the time being, you’re only going to see the fares posted — not the fees. So, budget accordingly.
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