Magic Kingdom or Gilded Cage? Are Disney’s Ballooning Prices Driving Guests Away? [Roundup]

Magic Kingdom or Gilded Cage? Are Disney's Ballooning Prices Driving Guests Away? [Roundup]

Hello World

Magic Kingdom or Gilded Cage? Are Disney’s Ballooning Prices Driving Guests Away? [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Disney theme park visits down, maybe the price has gotten too high? When I go with my daughter, the two most common t-shirts are (1) families in matching shirts, “[X] Family Takes Disney [Year]” and (2) Dads wearing N.W.A.-styled “Straight Outta Cash”.

  • Claims that people are showing up at the wrong airport thanks to Oakland’s name change

  • LAX drops plan to add 12 new gates “The deferred funds will free up spending on some projects in the design and planning stage, such as a goal to renumber gates and terminals.” Wut.
  • After relieving Pakistan International Airlines of $2.2 billion in debt, the government plans to sell a $2.2 billion stake in the carrier with the buyer assuming “responsibility for around PKR220 billion (USD789 million) in liabilities and be required to inject PKR80 billion USD287 million) in the first twelve months, representing over half of the USD500 million required to be invested over the first three years.”
  • U.S. Air Force flight attendant developing meal options, shopping for ingredients, and cooking on board. I guess this is one area where the government clearly out-performs the U.S. private sector.

  • From Jersey Shore to an American Airlines A321. Ain’t no GTL.

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