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Vote in the 1994 Movies Showdown – Round 4

Vote in the 1994 Movies Showdown – Round 4

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Round 3 of the 1994 Movie Showdown reverted back to mostly convincing victories, with Pulp Fiction tallying the biggest win with a whopping 95% of the vote over Natural Born Killers. The closest contest came between the Jim Carrey comedy The Mask and the Arnold Schwarzenegger action flick True Lies, with the former notching the victory by a margin of 55% to 45%. Overall, the wins weren’t too surprising, but this is where it gets tougher.

We are down to the Elite Eight, and it’s pretty much all classics from here on out, folks. Cast your votes in Round 4 of the 1994 Movie Showdown before polls close on Thursday, October 10 at 10pm PT, and let’s see who makes it to the Final Four!

Round 1 Results | Round 2 Results | Round 3 Results

Round 1 Results | Round 2 Results | Round 3 Results

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