How to Build Mental Resilience  –

How to Build Mental Resilience  -

Tips on How to Build Mental Resilience 

So, how do you build mental resilience? “Healthy habits are key to mental resilience. Good sleep habits, eating well, meditating or praying, volunteer work, maintaining friendships and community are all key to being resilient,” says Talkspace psychiatrist Muhammad Munir, MD. By committing to these mental health habits you’ll build yourself a strong foundation you can count on for stability in times of stress:

Prioritize connection 

We tend to think of friendships and social connections as fun “nice-to-have” parts of life but they’re actually pretty essential to our well-being. They make good times even better, and provide vital support when times get tough. But in the modern world it often takes some planning and intention to keep friendships and community connections strong. “Start strengthening connections with friends, family, and communities through activities you enjoy,” says Catchings. 

Give your body what it needs 

During times of stress it’s tempting to turn to “comfort” foods, substances, and unhealthy habits, none of which are ultimately going to support your mental health in the long term. If you have a baseline of good physical self-care in place, meaning good sleep habits, regular exercise, and a diet of nourishing foods, those habits will help keep you stable during challenging times. 

Practice mindfulness 

Making mindfulness a habit is an important tool for mental resilience, because when challenges arise you’ll already have this valuable practice in place when you need it.  “Mindfulness builds resilience since it can help you stay grounded and present,” says Catchings. Mindfulness practices include meditation, prayer, yoga, breathwork, and journaling. “Journaling is a great form of self-care and mindfulness because it provides a healthy outlet for your thoughts and emotions,” adds Catchings.

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