Viral video shows passengers dancing on top of airplane seats during turbulence –


I often call out ultra low-fare carriers like Frontier, Spirit, EasyJet and RyanAir. The latter two were the subjects of two stories last week. RyanAir because they charged a passenger $62 to bring a water bottle aboard the aircraft and EasyJet because their gate agent told a passenger his bag doesn’t fit in the bag sizer and to delete footage showing that it does.

This time, it’s Flybondi, an Argentinian ultra-low cost carrier, that has some serious explaining to do. A viral video (embedded below) was posted on a flight attendant forum with the caption: “My question: Where are the flight attendants during this? Two Flybondi passengers in Argentina got carried away attempting to sky twerk while standing on their seats mid-flight. It’s all fun and games until someone falls or the plane hits turbulence! 😳 How would you handle this on your flight? ✈️”

The answers from other flight attendants are pretty funny:

@Guzalemao: I’d be there in the galley, thinking I don’t get paid enough for this crap.
@Wafaarabian: Sometimes it’s the people who are low cost. Not the airline 😓
@rita_katto: Answer: Strapped on their jumpseat preparing for a diversion!! Police 👮 on arrivals…. ✋🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏻
@arifeen73: Cut the booze and warm up the cabin temperature.
@gabriela.onis: I’d honestly tell the pilots to divert. I wouldn’t even tell the passengers.
@coriandrew.pdx: And some people don’t like pet dogs/cat in the cabin because they misbehave???

The original video (embedded below) is a tad longer and was posted on TikTok and shows that they were playing different music.

@luanachioEl final es lo mejor♬ original sound – Luana

I’m really not sure what’s going on here and when I showed my wife she said the same thing. We’re both confused and have a lot of questions including: Where were the flight attendants? Was this a private charter? Did anything happen to them when they landed? Did the guy get hurt when they hit turbulence?

If you know any of the answers to these questions, please leave a comment below.


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